Minimizing Stress & Dealing With Emotional Eating

Minimizing Stress & Dealing With Emotional Eating

Dealing with Disordered Eating & T2D

+ PART 9: Upgrading Your Mind with T2D

In this lecture, yoga and meditation expert, Molly Pelletier discusses stress management techniques, stress eating, and how we identity stressors in our lives. Grab a pen and paper for this interactive lecture to answer the question's Molly asks throughout the presentation.

Write down or mentally note the answers to the following questions:

1:11 - How do you define stress?
2:22 - What are your stress triggers?
2:55 - Who do you turn to during stressful times?
4:16 - Do you already have stress management in place? What are they?

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Connecting Mind And Body With Meditation

Connecting Mind And Body With Meditation

Minimizing Stress & Dealing With Emotional Eating

Dealing with Disordered Eating & T2D

+ PART 9: Upgrading Your Mind with T2D

In this lecture, yoga and meditation expert, Molly Pelletier discusses the benefits of meditation and how to incorporate it into your daily routine. She leads you through a guided meditation and different breathing techniques that help to counteract stressful situations. Both stress and anxiety can negatively impact blood glucose, which is why it's imperative to include a meditation practice into your daily routine.

**Molly's 7-minute guided meditation starts at 9:08**

Below are links to the resources Molly mentions in her presentation:

Meditation pillow
Calm - meditation app
Headspace - a meditation app
Insight Timer meditation website
Omvana - a meditation app

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Connecting Mind And Body With Meditation